Aug 17, 2013

New pet Rabbit

I adopted a female white & grey 2 yr old rabbit from my job on 8/15/13, she is just as sweet as can be, my other rabbit Jaina now has a sister to play with and everything which is awesome right?! I named her Lola Juliet Grace. Here are some pics of her 
First pic when I brought her home, she was hopping around 
Took this pic when I first saw her at my job 

Stay tuned for my next blog post for it will be on the care of reptiles referring to bearded dragons and leopard geckos 

Aug 11, 2013

New Hammy 7 weeks old

Hey Everyone, 

I adopted a new baby hamster that's now about 8 weeks old, she was born June 16, 2013 and had like 4-5 siblings.. Still not sure if its a boy or girl but I'm saying she is a she so I named her Athena Juna Faith, she will be known by Juna because she was born in June like me!! She shares the same bday as me which is awesome!! Here is some pics