Nov 27, 2013

3 more adopted new pet rats

Last night I adopted 3 more adorable female rats also black and white, haven't named them yet. I'll post pics soon. if you have name ideas please comment

Cole Joziah Turner passed away 11/23/13

Hey everyone, I wanted to post this a few days ago but been busy. Cole who was one of my winter white hamsters, the brother of Leo, Piper ad Phoebe passed away for unknown reasons. He died on the one year anniversary for my dog shadow which I wasn't expecting that to happen but it will make it easy to remember I guess. I miss and will always love my lil hammy.

R.I.P Cole Joziah Turner

Nov 23, 2013

1 Year Anniversary for Shadow Boy Peacock

A year ago today my Mom & I made one of many hardest decisions any pet owner would have to do and make and that is having to put your beloved pet, friend and family member to sleep. Shadow wasn't just a dog he was a friend, a sleeping pal, licker who love to give kisses to all, he was protective and playful, he was "My Brother"!! We grew up together and I miss him as so my mom and family does. He is 15 1/2 now he would have been 16 yrs of age if he was still alive here with us. He was a toy black poodle. He is loved and missed everyday and thought about daily!! 

R.I.P Shadow Boy Peacock aka Black Boy 4/23/1997-11/23/12 God watch over my Lil' Bro 

Another new pet rat

adopted a baby rat from my job yesterday, she is a albino ruby red eyed rat, I named her Scarlette Myalie Rubylyn. He is a white and tan colored, she had 2 other sisters that looked like her and then had the others looking pure white. She is adorable, a bit jumpy and stuff so It will take time to tame her. so I own 4 rats now, Chloe Annebel, Dixie Lee Harper, Abbey Lynn Monroe, and now Scarlette Myalie Runylyn. I'll post a picture of her soon. got her 11/22/13

Nov 17, 2013

New Pet Rat

Hey everyone, I adopted a rat yesterday from my Job and It's a female named Chloe Annebel and I adopted 2 of her sisters whom I named Dixie Lee Harper, and Abby Lynn Monroe here's some pics

Just a side note Chloe is sick so I took her back to Petco and they are going to take her to the vet and call me when she is ready to be picked back up 

Nov 1, 2013

The differene between Natural Balance & other dog food name brands

here is a link to give y'all more info on Natural Balance-

now I will start off with my personal experience of Natural Balance and other name brands I've used in the past. I've used Purina which as a 50-50 name brand food, and I say this because some vets recommend it and others don't, my experience with it is it's a good food for some of my animals but it ended up making one of my dogs gain a lot of weight which isn't good & healthy for him, it doesn't really settle my dogs stomachs so they always want more food which isn't good either, they don't offer a lot of flavor options and that's my experience. I have good and bad feed back on Purina dog food and cat food.

My cats used to eat Fristy's cat food which isn't a good brand because it's not the healthiest for them, made my cats gain weight, want to eat a lot more, made them sick all the time, so I don't recommend this brand for cats at all.

Science Diet is a good name brand, 2 of my dogs were on it before I adopted them and I had my dogs on it for a while and it worked but I had to end up switching for other reasons. I give it a B+ for dogs and cats.

I've tried many more brands over the years but now for the good stuff...

Natural Balance one has a wide verity of different flavors for dogs, they offer dry, wet, etc food. It's for all ages which means if you have dogs & cats of different ages such as I do, I have 3 dogs from age 10 yrs, 3 yes, 7 months old so I can now feed my 3 dogs that are of different ages the exact same brand & flavor of Natural Balance, it helps dogs gain weight and loss weight if needed, it gives them the healthy nutrition dogs & cats need to grow up healthy and strong, and also I have 4 cats all of different ages ranging from 12 yrs , 8 yrs, 5 yrs, 6 weeks old and they eat all the same flavor but what I do since I do have a very young kitten I give him wet food for now instead of the dry food like what I give my other 3 full grown felines. ]

Natural Balance is the best brand my pets have ever been on. I highly recommend it to everyone. It's not cheap but you want to be healthy right? and you want you loved pets to live a long healthy life too right? well look at this for a minute..

I know times are rough these days, money is hard to come up with and so because of that most people go buy the most cheapest brand of dog & cat food from the grocery store like Kroger, Wal-Mart, etc but that food isn't good for your furry pets, and it doesn't satisfy your cats or dogs, doesn't give them the nutrition they need from puppy to elder and yes you can get a big bag real cheap but if you have 3 cats of different ages your either one buying one bag and feeding all you cats the same food when they need each different food because of health wise, age wise etc as well or your doing the buy 3 different kinds of bags for the 3 different ages right?

so why not go to Petco or Petsmart and get a brand worth your money knowing it will last you over a month for food, you are saving money, making your pets life's last longer and healthier? I working for Petco can help you with what is best for your cat and dogs needs.

If you try one flavor of Natural Balance but foe whatever reason your pet doesn't like it, or has an allergic reaction to it you have 30 days to return or exchange it for a the same brand but a different flavor if you choose to or try a different brand all together.

also read up on what is in your dog & cat's food and what is best for your pet.. that can help too.

I hope this can be to you all of some help, if you have any questions ask me and I'll respond.