Nov 23, 2013

1 Year Anniversary for Shadow Boy Peacock

A year ago today my Mom & I made one of many hardest decisions any pet owner would have to do and make and that is having to put your beloved pet, friend and family member to sleep. Shadow wasn't just a dog he was a friend, a sleeping pal, licker who love to give kisses to all, he was protective and playful, he was "My Brother"!! We grew up together and I miss him as so my mom and family does. He is 15 1/2 now he would have been 16 yrs of age if he was still alive here with us. He was a toy black poodle. He is loved and missed everyday and thought about daily!! 

R.I.P Shadow Boy Peacock aka Black Boy 4/23/1997-11/23/12 God watch over my Lil' Bro 

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