Dec 16, 2013

Female rat turned out to be male

Hey everyone, I adopted 2 baby rats a few weeks ago now and they we're suppose to be girls we'll now I found out one is not a girl but rather a male so now I'm trying to think of now male names again. If y'all have any boy names idea. also I hope my female he was in with he didn't get her pregnant but I'll keep y'all updated 

Dec 12, 2013

Baby Hamster & Rat

Hey everyone, hope everyone is good?
I adopted a baby hammy from work yesterday and the hamster I pretty much have watched her grow up from being a new born to now 2 months of age. She along with her 2 sisters & 2 brothers were born at my job which is awesome I think. I also had been wanting a pure black rattie and my job had one a while back but had sold it before I could buy it so now they had one and I adopted this one and she is adorable, has white front paws and a bit of white on her belly but other than that she is all blackish Grey more so like a charcoal color. Haven't named the rat yet but I did name the Hammy Miracle Panda because she was a little Miracle and she looks like a panda.

Dec 10, 2013

Back with new names for my rats

So in the last post I said I was going to get Greyson a play mate and I did took some time to find one the same size but I did, I named him Tanner M. Hayes and the other girls I adopted I named Destiny Paradise & Trinity Enchanted 

Dec 4, 2013

Hey everyone

Since my last post about the other 3 female rats I adopted I finally named them so here is their names, Paisley Marie, Emma-Beth, Cali Rae and since them I have also added 4 more ratties to my home, 1 male that I named Domino Greyson Walker, going to get him a play mate on Tuesday but I got him on Friday November 29, 2013 and I got another female I named Scarlette Myalie Rubylyn from my job on November 22, 2013, Just yesterday I adopted a rare rat that is light grey and white named her Pearl Rosalie Gracelyn and adopted 2 more females tonight December 4, 2013, they are about 2- 4 weeks old I mean these little girls would have lost their lives if fed to snakes. So I'm working on naming them as I type this. I'll add pics here soon.

Y'all have a good night and I just want to say as a note R.I.P Paul Walker your fans, friends and family miss you very much and you & your family are in all our hearts and prayers.

God bless