Jan 17, 2014

A Rat Surprise and more

Hey Everyone happy Friday, what a crazy week it's been!! Y'all will never guess what happened this past Sunday 01/12/2014....

I have a story to tell you all!! 
It starts back in December of 2013 when I adopted Destiny & Trinty, I brought them home and a few weeks past and I thought Destiny was developing male parts so at the time I was still working for petco and I took her to go be sexed they told me she was a male so I brought her home and put him with my other 2 male rats and a few more weeks pass and on January 12, 2014 I come home from a long great day to find that Bentley aka Destiny had given birth to babies!! She had two adorable little ones. They are now 6 days old and are making their marks in the world!! 
One is female and the other is male so I named them Sundaylyn Penny Rose & Jaru Bentley Greyson and once they are old enough to be separated I will be adopting another baby male for Jaru to have someone to play with and stud until he is old enough to be with his dad and uncle. Here is some pictures 

The male is the one with the hook like shape at the end of his back and the girl is the one with more black covering her back 

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