Apr 1, 2013

Got an additional pet

Hey Everyone, I thought I'd do this blog post next since it applies to my pets. I want to introduce my newest addition to my family of littlest fur balls. This past Saturday on March 30th I went to petsmart to get a cage and then I thought I'd like to get another little hamster but I was wanting a Chinese Dwarf Hammy so I adopted a male but didn't realize right away that their Testicles shows more so than any other breed of hamsters so I just decided it wasn't the hamster breed for me and he also was very chewy and so I decided to then get a Russian Dwarf like my fellow hammie's Pac & Mila, and I decided to name him Matthias Jerad Coop, you may ask why give a hamster such a long name? well to be honest all my Pets have a long name and so I'll tell you the full names of each of my pets..

1. Sassy Ann Peacock
2. Maddy Lulu Peacock
3. Octoberia Socks Peacock
4. Texanna Bubu Peacock
5. Caleb Judea Bildad Peacock
6. Jaina Layla Joie Peacock
7. Zarek Hercules Carter Peacock
8. Xeno Iolaul Pollux Peacock
9. Xena Argo Peacock
10. Gabrielle Hope Peacock
11. Pac Edik Drew Peacock
12. Adrik Ares Franco Peacock
13. Mila Prudence Peacock
14. Phoebe Alyssa Peacock
15. Piper Marie Peacock
16. Leonardo Wyatt Kylek  Peacock
17. Cole Joziah Turner Peacock
18. Matthias Jerad Coop Peacock

these are all of the names of my beloved pets that I currently own.
please comment and follow.. stay tuned for my next blog post.

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