Jul 29, 2013

Good Morning & Happy Monday-New Updates

Good Morning & Happy Monday to you all world wide, I have some updates so let's get started 

Well on July 25th I took action in adopting a baby beardie he or she is a sand fire bearded dragon has beautiful colors and when I got home with the lil one I noticed his tail was abnormal and so I texted the guy I got it from and he told me that before the bearded was in his care the beardie must have been out in with other males and they must have fought but I don't know if that's the case so I then took to the Internet for answers and I came to the conclusion this little bearded has tail rot and so since then I have been taking care of the tail as best as I can by giving the baby bearded a bath every day and applying Neosporin near the tail when it's about to come off.. He bearded is doing good but I still have hopes the part of the tail will fall off on its own but if not then other actions will be taken via the vets office..

And then on July 26th I adopted another baby bearded what they like to call a fancy bearded dragon, he looks like he will be a he but that of course can change, he has lots of orange and he is just beautiful and I mean they are all beautiful.. 

Here is a picture of each of them 

The top pic is of Cruz, his full name is Ludacris Cruces Jose Floyd & the bottom pic is of Blaze, his full name is Blazen Grants Alamos Rush 

Jul 14, 2013

New pet Leopard Gecko's

Hey everyone,

back with my next blog post and it's good new this time around!!
I got 2 new lizards named Tokyo Teheras Psy & Kyoto Taiwan Rio, they are both Leopard Gecko's. Still to young to sex since they are babies but heck IDC I like the names Tokyo & Kyoto because they are both similar and easy.. Tokyo is yellow and Kyoto is orange thats how I can tell them apart and plus Tokyo is a little bigger than Kyoto right now.. I got Tokyo on July 11, 2013 & Kyoto on July 12, 2013 

They aren't related, I got Tokyo from a different petco and Kyoto from my job..
You all may wonder why so soon after the death of my Hammy Mila? well honestly I was planning on getting a Leopard Gecko even before Mila's sudden passing and yes it hurt to find my baby gone and I still cry time to time but time is something we don't have time is timeless period and even with her death I wasn't going to let that hold me back from getting lizards..

You may want to know where the gecko's get their named right?

well I'll tell you =)

Tokyo is from The Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift film as well after the City located in Japan, Teheras is after a street located in Albuquerque, NM, Psy is after famous Pop South Korean Singer Psy which of whom sings the song Gangam Style

Kyoto is after a city also located in Japan, Taiwan is after Taiwan China, Rio is after the Rio Grande which flows through out many states but through my home town Albuquerque, NM  and it's also after Rio Rancho, NM which is a small town next to ABQ which is where I grew up and consider myself to be from.

I'll post pics of them in a bit but stay tuned for my next blog post.

Always Brittaney Peacock

Left is Kyoto & Right is Tokyo 

This is Kyoto
This is Tokyo 

Jul 10, 2013

Mila Prudence Peacock passed away

Hey Everyone, 

Here with again more sad news about yet another one of my beloved Hamsters, my female Russian Mila passed away late  in the morning or early morning of Monday July 8, 2013..

I was just about to get ready for work and I went to say hello to my male Russian Mi-Ty and then say hi to Mila and usually when I came up to her cage she would come and try to bite me but not that morning she was still not moving and I screamed NO!! And I tried moving her to see if she would move but she didn't so I put the cage on the floor and took the lid off and tried moving her again but she was gone and I was screaming and crying and I called my grandmother, my mom and my job and I had to hurry up and get ready for work and then put Mila in a box to burry her in and get over to my grandmothers house to burry her in the backyard in the rain and that wasn't easy at all but I laid her to rest next to Phoebe & Shadow and I had to go to work a horrible wreck crying and all. She wasn't sick and didn't show signs of any illness but she had bleed from her bottom and idk why or what caused it I think maybe she had a tumor and it ruptured and that's what caused her to die.

I am still very sad but she's in a better place in heaven with all of whom passed before her and everything. 

R.I.P Mila Prudence Peacock love you and miss you baby girl 

Jul 5, 2013

New baby Bearded Dragon

Hey Everyone,

On June 28, of this year I brought home a hatchling baby bearded dragon whom is named Sandia Mesa Lunas 

Here is a photo of the baby 

Jul 1, 2013

Finally named my male bearded dragon

Hey Everyone,

I finally named my Bearded Dragon, he is named Havone Judas Creed Jemez but he is gonna be known at Jemez or Lil ZZ Skillet J