Jul 10, 2013

Mila Prudence Peacock passed away

Hey Everyone, 

Here with again more sad news about yet another one of my beloved Hamsters, my female Russian Mila passed away late  in the morning or early morning of Monday July 8, 2013..

I was just about to get ready for work and I went to say hello to my male Russian Mi-Ty and then say hi to Mila and usually when I came up to her cage she would come and try to bite me but not that morning she was still not moving and I screamed NO!! And I tried moving her to see if she would move but she didn't so I put the cage on the floor and took the lid off and tried moving her again but she was gone and I was screaming and crying and I called my grandmother, my mom and my job and I had to hurry up and get ready for work and then put Mila in a box to burry her in and get over to my grandmothers house to burry her in the backyard in the rain and that wasn't easy at all but I laid her to rest next to Phoebe & Shadow and I had to go to work a horrible wreck crying and all. She wasn't sick and didn't show signs of any illness but she had bleed from her bottom and idk why or what caused it I think maybe she had a tumor and it ruptured and that's what caused her to die.

I am still very sad but she's in a better place in heaven with all of whom passed before her and everything. 

R.I.P Mila Prudence Peacock love you and miss you baby girl 

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