Jun 22, 2014

Welcomed home a baby rat

Good Sunday, 

Hi everyone! Yesterday June 21st I brought home a 4 week old baby rat named LilyAnna-Beth, her nicknames are Bebe Küsse which means baby kisses and Gem because she gave me kisses and Gem is for Gemini. Here is some pics of her 

Jun 4, 2014

New Rattie Female

Hey Y'all,

Today I had to go to petco to get more Meal worms for my Beardie Jemez and typical me I go and look at the rats and for the first time I came across a pure light brown rat which I've been looking for a pure brown rat for the longest now. I wasn't looking to get another rattie but I knew if I wasn't to jump on to this chance to adopt her I'd most likely never get another chance anytime soon so I took the chance and adopted her. She isn't just brown though, her fur looks like a greyish brown mix. When I was thinking of names the name Carmella came to mind because her brown looks like Carmel color and greyish like vanilla so Carmella is that put together. Then I took to The Rat Fan Club on Facebook and they suggested some good names for a brown female.. The ones I like the most out of their suggestions are Fawn, Nutmeg, Cinnamon and Latte so I want y'all suggestions for her middle name for which sounds better with Carmella ____? Here is some pictures of her that I took..
 But regardless of those cool name suggestions I did further research and liked the Name Hazel fits her.. So I have decided to name Her Hazel Carmella.

Jun 2, 2014

It's been a while, I have updates

Hey Everyone,

It's been a while since I last updated y'all. I have adopted more rats, and lost one, and have lost a pet hamster, I've also adopted mice but lost 2. The rats I have adopted since the last updates are starting with the females...

Coco Sienna Eve

Ginger Serena Eva

Reigna Cloudia

now the boys

 Remington Malachi Ratatouille
 Templeton Grazio Meho

 Chance Rufus Rhodes Jr.
 Sandeno Mayo Ruden
 Prince Presley Hoodie Jackson
In Memory of Sr Fufus Rhodes

now for the mice

Buttons, & In memory of her sisters Minnie Boo, & Patches

Hamster that passed away

In memory of Athena June Faith

Changed Kittens name, did keep his first name the same though.. Cobe Tchelz Tyson
he is now 8 months old
Mia is now a 1 yrs. old 3 months
These are my updates for now.. I'll start being more postful on here more often..
All the best BP

Mar 7, 2014

Loss of Lunas & Bailey

Hey everyone I'm sad to post that Bailey my female Russian hamster passed and so did my young female bearded dragon Lunas. New pet mouse maybe coming soon not sure yet. Changing my kittens name but not sure to what yet though. Destiny didn't have any other babies and Jaru is getting big so he will need to be moved soon in with his father and uncle and Presley is still very small my other baby male rat, Sundaylyn is getting big and so is Baeija. New comers Coco and Ginger brown female rats 

Feb 7, 2014

New pet baby rat "male" adopted brother for Jaru & Sundaylyn

I adopted a baby male rat who turned out to be female,  that is about the same age as Jaru & Sundaylyn, she is a very light beige color. I named him Baeijo Faucon Sateron Mars but changed it to Baeija Caucon Satera Mara. I got him the day before super bowl, Baeija is after his furr color , Faucon is French for Hawk after the Sea Hawks which of whom kicked Bronco's behind badly, Satera is a version for Saturday for which I got him and mara is after Bruno Mars.

Here is a picture of her

Jan 17, 2014

A Rat Surprise and more

Hey Everyone happy Friday, what a crazy week it's been!! Y'all will never guess what happened this past Sunday 01/12/2014....

I have a story to tell you all!! 
It starts back in December of 2013 when I adopted Destiny & Trinty, I brought them home and a few weeks past and I thought Destiny was developing male parts so at the time I was still working for petco and I took her to go be sexed they told me she was a male so I brought her home and put him with my other 2 male rats and a few more weeks pass and on January 12, 2014 I come home from a long great day to find that Bentley aka Destiny had given birth to babies!! She had two adorable little ones. They are now 6 days old and are making their marks in the world!! 
One is female and the other is male so I named them Sundaylyn Penny Rose & Jaru Bentley Greyson and once they are old enough to be separated I will be adopting another baby male for Jaru to have someone to play with and stud until he is old enough to be with his dad and uncle. Here is some pictures 

The male is the one with the hook like shape at the end of his back and the girl is the one with more black covering her back 

Jan 3, 2014

Zarek Hecules Carter passed away 1/04/14

My first sweet hamster Zarek has passed away and he leaves be hind a brother named Xeno, he is loved and missed and will be laid to rest later today next to him brothers & sisters Phoebe, Mila, Adrik, Pac & Cole rip my baby boy I love & miss you dearly