Jun 11, 2015

New Hamster 6/11 Malachi

Meet my new addition 

His name is Malachi after my Grandmothers dog that passed a long time ago and because he looks like a Malachi, Moses because in Egyptian it means "Son", and Sundon after my Grand rat daughter Sunday for she doesn't have much more time to live unless God works a miracle and lets her live. His name has meaningful to it and honor to those who have passed and because he is my new son. 

Jun 9, 2015

In Memory of loved ones

Templeton Grazio Meho my rat has passed away, as so has my eldest and last of my Robo hamsters Xena Argo passed away today and another beloved rat is soon to pass, she is my grand-rat ms little Sundaylyn Penny Rose is very sick and there is nothing me nor doctors can do for her, she is not suffering she is comfy as much as possible. Her mother Destiny died just a few months ago as well so she will be reunited with her, her brother and father lives on though. I do plan on trying to breed Jaru her brother with another one of my young females to carry on the rat family line. Please keep Sunday in you're thoughts and prayers.

May 14, 2015

Templeton Grazio Meho

Today on May 14, 2015 at 11 AM my pet rat Templeton Grazio Meho passed away. He is loved and missed very much. RIP Temple

May 12, 2015

Destiny & Chance passed away

Mama Destiny the mama rat of Jaru & Sunday passed away, Chance my pure white male rat passed away. I also have up a few of my pet rats to good homes as well as a few of my hamsters. 

Sassy had part of her tail removed do to a tumor of some sort but she is doing good and everything. Pets in general are doing good. 

I maybe adopting a water dragon from my cousin who lives in Virginia and I'll keep you all posted on that!  

Jan 23, 2015

New Rat Brothers, Paisley didn't have babies.

Hey everyone,

It's Friday yay. I wanted to update you that Paisley didn't have babies but that's not to say I'm not trying to breed her with Jaru because I am. Let's hope they can work it out and make it happen.

Now onto other news. I adopted two male brother Berkshire rats, it was love at first sight. I saw them and knew I had to adopt them. The black & white one is a Black Berkshire and his brother is a Mink Berkshire.

I had a dream about them and I was at first going to name the black and white one Oreo because he's black fully on his back and head and then starting from his side to his stomach is white but I later then didn't name him Oreo, I instead named him Sylvester after the cat that is always chasing poor Tweety around, and all my boy pets have long names and well I decided since they are Berkshire and that is from England I'd go with that theme, so I gave him the first middle name of Harry and I really liked the name Kudrow and Dexter so his name is Sylvester Harry Kudrow Dexter so English isn't it.

For his Brother I really liked the name Clyde and not because of Bonnie and Clyde but just because it's different, it's not a common name. So I thought of names that could go with his brother's name so I named him Hollister which is funny because it's the name of street, Ron after Harry Potter now you see the Harry Potter theme, Clyde, Chester. His name is Hollister Ron Clyde Chester.

Some have said Hollister is grey but he is more so like how my girl Hazel looked a mixed color between grey and brown, and well Sylvester is black period and white.

Here is a picture of them both.

They are only a few months old. I'm working with them on being tamed and being used to being handled. It's getting there in progress. They are just so cute.

Jan 20, 2015

Sassy thr Cat needs a partial tail amputation, If you want to help donate please do here

Sassy my eldest cat needs a tail amputation and I am unable to get the funds myself at this time so I am look for help either through donations or prayer. Here is the link you can follow the story, details etc. Thanks God bless   and please share with others

Jan 11, 2015

No baby rats yet

So there is no baby rats yet, but not to say Paisley didn't get pregnant on the second try or she could just have an extended pregnancy which lasts up to 28 days. I'll keep y'all posted.

Jan 8, 2015

Paisley is three weeks, may have her babies soon.

Paisley is three weeks possibly into her pregnancy which means she is about to pop give or take the day of conception of the babies if it was successful. Rats are pregnant usually for 21-23 days but can sometimes be pregnant for up to 28 days. There is to possible conception dates for her to had got pregnant. But if she got pregnant on the first try we should be having babies between now and the 11th of this month but if she got pregnant on the second go around the babies won't be due until between 15-17th of this month.

I'm hoping for little bittie babies to be born and I already have some names in mind for both sexes. I'll keep you posted.

Jan 5, 2015

New Year, Many Passes & New Things

Happy New Year first of all.

I have a lot to share with you about what's been going on in my pet world. It is now 2015 so while we're on the subject of the new year I want to first say today we lost Gabrielle Hope, who was one of my very first hamsters, she is survived by her sister Xena, she was a Robo hamster.

Now with what happened last year.

Last year I lost Zarek my very first hamster and the brother of Xeno who also passed in the same year just in different months. pictures of Zarek & Xeno

we also lost Bailey a Russian hamster. A beardie named Lunas. 3 mice all sisters named Minnie Boo, Patches, Buttons. Lost a rat named Sr. Rufus Rhodes meaning red rose, lost another robo named Juna, lost 2 other rats Pearl and Hazel, and a kitten I tried to save that I named Salem and my great grandmother's dog Misty.
But over the course of this past year I also welcomed some very nice new pets into my life, family.
I adopted a rat named after Sr Rufus Rhodes having the same name but calling him Chance, This past year one of my female rats Destiny who I had thought to be a boy had to pups a boy and girl named Jeru and Sundaylyn, got Coco & Ginger brown and white female sister rats, I had also adopted hazel this past year but as mentioned above she passed away. got Baeija a female rat, Presley a male rat. got other rats named Reigna, Lily Anna-Beth, Remington, Templeton, Sandeno,  and added two baby male hamsters one is a Teddy Bear I named Domino Pac Adrik and a Chinese Dwarf I named Venny Ratchet Cole.
and this year I am hopefully expecting a litter of baby rats from Jeru who is the son of rattie parents Greyson & Destiny and brother of Sundaylyn with his mate Paisley Marie. The rat family tree is surely growing. They should be expected to be born anywhere between January 9-11 or 15-17th give or take on the day she and jeru made it official. It would be cool if the pups are born on the 12th because then they'd share the same Birthday as their Father and Aunt Jeru and Sundaylyn.
I'll keep you all updated on the pregnancy signs, birth and pups day to day aging etc.