Jan 23, 2015

New Rat Brothers, Paisley didn't have babies.

Hey everyone,

It's Friday yay. I wanted to update you that Paisley didn't have babies but that's not to say I'm not trying to breed her with Jaru because I am. Let's hope they can work it out and make it happen.

Now onto other news. I adopted two male brother Berkshire rats, it was love at first sight. I saw them and knew I had to adopt them. The black & white one is a Black Berkshire and his brother is a Mink Berkshire.

I had a dream about them and I was at first going to name the black and white one Oreo because he's black fully on his back and head and then starting from his side to his stomach is white but I later then didn't name him Oreo, I instead named him Sylvester after the cat that is always chasing poor Tweety around, and all my boy pets have long names and well I decided since they are Berkshire and that is from England I'd go with that theme, so I gave him the first middle name of Harry and I really liked the name Kudrow and Dexter so his name is Sylvester Harry Kudrow Dexter so English isn't it.

For his Brother I really liked the name Clyde and not because of Bonnie and Clyde but just because it's different, it's not a common name. So I thought of names that could go with his brother's name so I named him Hollister which is funny because it's the name of street, Ron after Harry Potter now you see the Harry Potter theme, Clyde, Chester. His name is Hollister Ron Clyde Chester.

Some have said Hollister is grey but he is more so like how my girl Hazel looked a mixed color between grey and brown, and well Sylvester is black period and white.

Here is a picture of them both.

They are only a few months old. I'm working with them on being tamed and being used to being handled. It's getting there in progress. They are just so cute.

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