Jan 5, 2015

New Year, Many Passes & New Things

Happy New Year first of all.

I have a lot to share with you about what's been going on in my pet world. It is now 2015 so while we're on the subject of the new year I want to first say today we lost Gabrielle Hope, who was one of my very first hamsters, she is survived by her sister Xena, she was a Robo hamster.

Now with what happened last year.

Last year I lost Zarek my very first hamster and the brother of Xeno who also passed in the same year just in different months. pictures of Zarek & Xeno

we also lost Bailey a Russian hamster. A beardie named Lunas. 3 mice all sisters named Minnie Boo, Patches, Buttons. Lost a rat named Sr. Rufus Rhodes meaning red rose, lost another robo named Juna, lost 2 other rats Pearl and Hazel, and a kitten I tried to save that I named Salem and my great grandmother's dog Misty.
But over the course of this past year I also welcomed some very nice new pets into my life, family.
I adopted a rat named after Sr Rufus Rhodes having the same name but calling him Chance, This past year one of my female rats Destiny who I had thought to be a boy had to pups a boy and girl named Jeru and Sundaylyn, got Coco & Ginger brown and white female sister rats, I had also adopted hazel this past year but as mentioned above she passed away. got Baeija a female rat, Presley a male rat. got other rats named Reigna, Lily Anna-Beth, Remington, Templeton, Sandeno,  and added two baby male hamsters one is a Teddy Bear I named Domino Pac Adrik and a Chinese Dwarf I named Venny Ratchet Cole.
and this year I am hopefully expecting a litter of baby rats from Jeru who is the son of rattie parents Greyson & Destiny and brother of Sundaylyn with his mate Paisley Marie. The rat family tree is surely growing. They should be expected to be born anywhere between January 9-11 or 15-17th give or take on the day she and jeru made it official. It would be cool if the pups are born on the 12th because then they'd share the same Birthday as their Father and Aunt Jeru and Sundaylyn.
I'll keep you all updated on the pregnancy signs, birth and pups day to day aging etc.

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