Mar 26, 2013

My Dogs

Hi Guys & Gals, this post is about my dogs..

I have a pure breed Golden Retriever Female named Maddy and a Chihuahua/Dachshund/Terrier mix Male named Judea. The back story of how I became the proud owner of each of these dogs will be told starting with Maddy------>

I was turning 10 years old and had been wanting a dog for the longest time and my mom ended up getting me a dog named Hannah but she was over protective and some what aggressive, so then my mom found pure breed Golden Retriever puppies for adoption from a breeder and so we went down there and I got to choose the pup I wanted and I chose Maddy..You may ask how did she get her name, well I'll tell you.. I've always been a huge fan of the movies Air Bud aka Buddy and I always wanted a male Golden named Buddy but instead I got a girl and switched around a couple of the letters and named her Maddy after Air Bud. Now Maddy is about to be 10 yrs old on May 1.

Now I'll talk about Judea...
I have been living out in TX for about 3 years at the time and I was wanting another dog and decided to adopt a pup from the Houston SPCA and so I went to and looked at dogs they had for adoption and I saw 2 dogs I was interested in adopting... I first met with a dog that was a mid to big size dog male and then I met with this small Dachshund/Terrier Mix breed dog named Turner and that dog today is named Judea and the SPCA said he was Dashchund/Terrier mix but he looked like he had Chihuahua in him via his face/ and his pointy right ear or is it his left.. and I know a Chihuahua when I see one and so Judea has Chihuahua in him for sure. He is now 2 yrs old and will be 3 in December..

I had another dog named Shadow who was mine and my mom's family dog, he was a 15 1/2 yr old toy poodle black. and he was a good dog but was old and had a lot of medical problems and so this past November 23, we made the hard choice to put him to sleep which we did and it tore us apart inside, for me that dog was not just a dog but my lil brother you know and so I cried myself to sleep for about 2-3 weeks straight and even now I still cry sometime over him as anyone would of course. some of the memories I share with him is he once peed on me at the vets office, bit my mom on her butt while she was trying to help me get my foot lose, he would always get up around 12 AM or so to get a drink, he would always scratch on the door if he wanted in, he had a bell on his collar and that sound would always jingle and his park and he had a bad cough and so that I remember well too. When Shadow was a pup my aunt and I would get a blanket or something and drag it on the floor and he would get on it and start humping it lol.. he always loved to give kisses so his nicknames were Black Boy, Licker or Licrish or how ever that candy is spelt and then also Yoda because when he was groomed his ears always reminded me of Yoda from Star Wars the green dude.
Shadow was born April 23, 1997-November 23, 2012. R.I.P Shadow Boy Peacock. your always loved and missed.

Now dogs come with  huge job.. I'll walk you through how to care for them..

Dogs/Pups need a lot of work!!

Dogs need exercise daily, fresh water every morning, need to be fed 2 times a day with their food being measured out, need a bath ever week to 2 weeks, daily brushing and if you have a poodle or some other breed that needs to be groomed, they must be groomed every 4-6 weeks to maintain a healthy coat.. Dogs love toys and treats make sure they have plenty of those.. if they don't they may chew up your shoes, socks, pillows you name it they will do it. you should always let your dogs out first thing in the morning when waking up and again before you leave for work/school/or both and again once you get home and after dinner or before bed... take your dogs to the vet every so often to get a basic follow up exam to make sure they are healthy and happy.

that's the basics of caring for a dog.

thanks for reading please comment and follow.
next post will be about hamster breeds, cat breeds, rabbit breed and dog breeds and how to chose your right pet.

Mar 21, 2013

My Cats/ Cat Care

Hi everyone, I'm back with my 3rd blog post about  about my 3 lovely cats.
I'll start off with talking about my eldest cat Sassy Ann and her back story.

Sassy Ann is a black & white female cat born December 16, 2000, she is named after the cat from the film "Home Ward Bound". She had like 4 or 5 brothers and she was the only girl.

Sassy was my first pet and she is one of the most sweetest cats ever, she is a picky eater, she sleeps alot lol.

Now I'll talk about my middle aged cat Octoberia and how she came about. Octoberia is the daughter of my old cat whom is no longer with me, Octoberia's Mom's name is or was Socks and Socks wasn't fixed and she ended up getting outside and became pregnant by a black & white male tray cat, and on October 16, 2005 Socks was in labor that morning and gave birth to 4 kittens, 2 boys, 2 girls. One of the boys looked just like her and the other boy was like the dad black & white, and the girls were both grey and white like Socks but one of them had a birthmark on her left upper lip, but I kept the other girl and named her Octoberia Socks after the month she was born which was "October" and after her Mom Socks.

Octoberia is so much like her Mom personality wise and some looks as well. Socks & Octoberia are the 2 most loyal, lovable cats you'd ever met, and I'm so thankful I have a part of Socks because Octoberia is the little mini version of her mom in all the best ways.

I gave her sister and brothers up for adoption and her sister and one of her brothers were adopted by the same family which was awesome to know. I think about them all the time and everything.

Socks is always in our memory and our hearts.

Now I'll discuss my youngest cat Texanna Bebe, I got Texanna after I moved to Houston, TX back in 2008 to live with my Grandparents. I had a very hard time naming her, I wanted to name her Texa because she is from Texas but my Grandmother came up with the name Texanna and so I named her Texanna which is also short for Texas, Texanna is a pure black female cat born April 16, 2008 which means her Birthday is coming up soon, she did have one brother I know of he was also pure black.

Texanna is always wanting to be by my side, always following me where ever I go and everything. she is my bebe. but she has started acting out in the most wrong ways which I'm trying to work out but she is a good cat as all my cats are.

Now I'll discuss how to care for your cats and how to clean their litter pans, etc.

When it comes to cats they do shed a lot especually if you have a long haired cat, so this means brush your cats everyday that way they don't shed as bad and their coat is always soft and slicky looking and healthy as well.

Getting you cats declawed is a big no no when they are older, I say this because if you get your cat declawed as an adult they will be in so much pain but their nails are attached to the bones in their paws, so if you want a cat delcawed do it when they are very young kittens!!

I have 3 cats and yes they claw everything but if your cat isn't declawed get some cat/ dog nail clippers and keep your cats nails trimmed that way they can't really claw your furniture, cloths, carpet, etc.

Feeding your cat is key to keeping them in shape because if you give your cat or cats a big bowl of food they will get fat and lazy, so to keep your cats thin and healthy and active messure the amount of food you give them.

make sure they always have a filled bowl of water to drink from and make sure it's always fresh everyday.

Cleaning your cats litter pan, not the funnest of the job but it's easy, I'll walk you through the steps, it's very much like cleaning a hamster cage or rabbit cage but not as hard.

so first off get your supplies, trash bag/can, clorox wipes or a water pottle with soap, paper towels, cat scooper and litter

second get your cat scooper to scoop as much of the old litter out in to the trash as possible and then whatever is left over, slide the pan in to the trash bago or can and drump the rest

third get your water bottle, paper towels or wipe and clean the inside of the pan very well and let it dry or dry it

fourth get the fresh litter and poor in to the pan enought to have it kinda full so it is enough for the cats to cover their messes up

that's pretty much how you clean a litter pan very simple but the smell can be the hard part.

If your cat likes water which is very rare if one does and you want to give them a bath in warm water in the bathtub you can but take caution in making sure the water isn't to hot or to cold, not to full, get the right kind of shampoo for pets and don't get their faces or ears wet, after your done get 2 towels, one to place on the floor to se you cat on to and one to dry them with very well, and also if possible try to use a blow dryer but on low cool temp, and after that brush your cat out very well.

Thanks for reading, my next post will be about my dogs.
please comment and follow.

Mar 15, 2013

My Rabbit

Hi Guys & Gals,

This post is about my Rabbit named Jaina Layla Joie, I got her back in 2011 when she was about 4 months old from the Houston SPCA. She is a black and white rabbit with long hair on her neck and head. I named her after the month she was born which is January and the name Layla was her name at the SPCA and the name Joie is after one of my favorite actresses "Bethany Joy Lenz" of OTH. Now Jaina is 2 years old and still rocking her long hair and lovable as always.

I'll also walk y'all through how to care for your rabbit/bunny and how to clean his or her cage depending on the kind that you have.

well my rabbit is in the basic rabbit starter cage which isn't the best cage for her now that she is bigger and older but it works for now until I can get her a new & bigger one.

Okay so how do I clean her cage?

1st. Get your supplies you'll need, Paper Towels, Water Bottle or Wipes, Trash bag, a cat scooper or a scooper of some kind, Bedding

2nd. Remove the food bowl, water bottle and anything else you might have in there, then remove the sides/lid of the cage to where it just shows the bottom of the cage

3rd. remove your rabbit either by letting her or him roam around or put her in a enclosed area

4th. Get the trash bag in a trash can and you can either put the bottom of the cage in the trash bag to dump the old bedding or get your scooper and scoop the old bedding out in to the trash

5th. then get your water bottle, paper towels, or wipes and clean the base of the cage really well and then dry it

6th. clean out the food bowl, and drain the old water in the water bottle for the rabbit, give her fresh food and water

7th. get the fresh bedding and put enough in the base of the cage to cover the bottom

8th. Put the sides/lid back on the cage

9th. put back the food bowl and water bottle in the cage along with anything else you may have had in there

10th. get your happy rabbit back into her clean fresh cage with some treats.

this is how I clean my rabbits care, very simple and doesn't take to long either.

I usually put toilet paper rolls in my rabbit's cage so she has a toy or something to chew on since rabbits and all rodents alike have teeth that never stops growing.

Keep your rabbit brushed, clean and give her or him lots of love and care and let them run around one everyday if possible.

this is my post about my rabbit Jaina Layla Joie.

My next post with be on my cats so stay tuned. thanks
please comment and follow thanks again

Mar 14, 2013

My Hamsters

Hi Guys & Gals, I have a passion for animals and well I own quite a bit of them not just my hamsters but a mix of Dogs, Cats & a Rabbit. But this post is all about my 11 hamsters.

Okay so starting this year I wanted to adopt a hamster or two and I did. I ended up adopting 2 baby brother Robo's and named them Zarek & Xeno and from there I then also a week or two later adopted 2 female sister Robo's named Xena & Gabrielle, then a week later I adopted my Fancy Russian Dwarf named Adrik and then from there I was looking on Craigslist for hamsters for adoption and I saw this person was selling a male Russian Dwarf and so I adopted him and named his Pac Edik and then about the beginning of March I adopted a female Russian Dwarf who I named Mila Prudence but before I got her I adopted 2 female sister winter whites named Piper & Phoebe through a breeder and soon after the breeder still had two more of the same litter up for adoption so then I adopted Leo & Cole who is Piper & Phoebe's biological brothers. Having hamsters is easy to maintain because the cages are easy to put together and clean and stuff, the down side of having more than one hamster together in the same cage is they can end up fighting even when they are siblings sadly so this leads me to my next post I had to separate Zarek & Xeno, Piper & Phoebe and Now I just recently had to separate Cole & Leo from one another as well as Xena & Gabrielle. Your maybe wondering does hamsters smell? Well I'll tell you yes they do as any rodent they all have a natural smell to them and also to maintain the cage from smelling you must clean it every week to week in a half so you can maintain a safe clean environment for your furry little friends and also you don't want a smelly room.

How do I clean my hamsters cages & tanks? I'll walk you step by step on how I clean each..

1st. Get all the supplies you'll need a box or carrier to put your hamster in while you clean his or her cage, a water bottle filled with water, paper towels, trash bag, bedding.

2nd. Easily & Gently grab your hamster and place him or her in the box while you clean their cage

3rd. Remove all objects from your hamster cage, water bottle, food bowl, house, tubes, wheel and set them aside or in a dish pan to be soaked in warm temp water w/ soap

4th. Take the lid & sides of the cage off and set that to the side and then grab the bottom base of the cage and dump the old dirty bedding into the trash bag, make sure you get as much of it out as possible

5th. Get your water bottle and paper towels and spray the bottom base of the cage and wipe it out really well on the sides and bottom and do that until you see no yellow markings as the hamsters pee does stick, after you've done this get a fresh paper towel and dry the cage very well where it's not wet inside

6th. Now get the fresh bedding and put it in the cage or tank where it covers the complete bottom since hamsters like to burrow by nature

7th. Now while you have the fresh bedding in the cage now you want to go make sure you clean the food bowl, wheel, tubes ad house very well since they've been soaking for a while, rinse them under cool water to make sure all the soap and pee is off the wheel, bowl, tubes etc and then dry the wheel, food bowl and house very well, let the tubes try over night and then place them back in the cage "The Tubing".

8th. Now go put the cage lid and sides back on top of the bottom of the cage and after that then replace back in the cage the Wheel, Food Bowl w/ fresh food, House, and Put fresh water in the water bottle as well

9th. Now get your little furry friend and place him or her in to their clean fresh cage w/ a little bit of treat for being a good little hamster while you cleaned their cage!! I know
These steps seem like a lot of work but trust me its not really.

If you have any questions please ask and comment and do follow thanks

My next post will be about my Rabbit stay tuned