Mar 21, 2013

My Cats/ Cat Care

Hi everyone, I'm back with my 3rd blog post about  about my 3 lovely cats.
I'll start off with talking about my eldest cat Sassy Ann and her back story.

Sassy Ann is a black & white female cat born December 16, 2000, she is named after the cat from the film "Home Ward Bound". She had like 4 or 5 brothers and she was the only girl.

Sassy was my first pet and she is one of the most sweetest cats ever, she is a picky eater, she sleeps alot lol.

Now I'll talk about my middle aged cat Octoberia and how she came about. Octoberia is the daughter of my old cat whom is no longer with me, Octoberia's Mom's name is or was Socks and Socks wasn't fixed and she ended up getting outside and became pregnant by a black & white male tray cat, and on October 16, 2005 Socks was in labor that morning and gave birth to 4 kittens, 2 boys, 2 girls. One of the boys looked just like her and the other boy was like the dad black & white, and the girls were both grey and white like Socks but one of them had a birthmark on her left upper lip, but I kept the other girl and named her Octoberia Socks after the month she was born which was "October" and after her Mom Socks.

Octoberia is so much like her Mom personality wise and some looks as well. Socks & Octoberia are the 2 most loyal, lovable cats you'd ever met, and I'm so thankful I have a part of Socks because Octoberia is the little mini version of her mom in all the best ways.

I gave her sister and brothers up for adoption and her sister and one of her brothers were adopted by the same family which was awesome to know. I think about them all the time and everything.

Socks is always in our memory and our hearts.

Now I'll discuss my youngest cat Texanna Bebe, I got Texanna after I moved to Houston, TX back in 2008 to live with my Grandparents. I had a very hard time naming her, I wanted to name her Texa because she is from Texas but my Grandmother came up with the name Texanna and so I named her Texanna which is also short for Texas, Texanna is a pure black female cat born April 16, 2008 which means her Birthday is coming up soon, she did have one brother I know of he was also pure black.

Texanna is always wanting to be by my side, always following me where ever I go and everything. she is my bebe. but she has started acting out in the most wrong ways which I'm trying to work out but she is a good cat as all my cats are.

Now I'll discuss how to care for your cats and how to clean their litter pans, etc.

When it comes to cats they do shed a lot especually if you have a long haired cat, so this means brush your cats everyday that way they don't shed as bad and their coat is always soft and slicky looking and healthy as well.

Getting you cats declawed is a big no no when they are older, I say this because if you get your cat declawed as an adult they will be in so much pain but their nails are attached to the bones in their paws, so if you want a cat delcawed do it when they are very young kittens!!

I have 3 cats and yes they claw everything but if your cat isn't declawed get some cat/ dog nail clippers and keep your cats nails trimmed that way they can't really claw your furniture, cloths, carpet, etc.

Feeding your cat is key to keeping them in shape because if you give your cat or cats a big bowl of food they will get fat and lazy, so to keep your cats thin and healthy and active messure the amount of food you give them.

make sure they always have a filled bowl of water to drink from and make sure it's always fresh everyday.

Cleaning your cats litter pan, not the funnest of the job but it's easy, I'll walk you through the steps, it's very much like cleaning a hamster cage or rabbit cage but not as hard.

so first off get your supplies, trash bag/can, clorox wipes or a water pottle with soap, paper towels, cat scooper and litter

second get your cat scooper to scoop as much of the old litter out in to the trash as possible and then whatever is left over, slide the pan in to the trash bago or can and drump the rest

third get your water bottle, paper towels or wipe and clean the inside of the pan very well and let it dry or dry it

fourth get the fresh litter and poor in to the pan enought to have it kinda full so it is enough for the cats to cover their messes up

that's pretty much how you clean a litter pan very simple but the smell can be the hard part.

If your cat likes water which is very rare if one does and you want to give them a bath in warm water in the bathtub you can but take caution in making sure the water isn't to hot or to cold, not to full, get the right kind of shampoo for pets and don't get their faces or ears wet, after your done get 2 towels, one to place on the floor to se you cat on to and one to dry them with very well, and also if possible try to use a blow dryer but on low cool temp, and after that brush your cat out very well.

Thanks for reading, my next post will be about my dogs.
please comment and follow.

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