Mar 15, 2013

My Rabbit

Hi Guys & Gals,

This post is about my Rabbit named Jaina Layla Joie, I got her back in 2011 when she was about 4 months old from the Houston SPCA. She is a black and white rabbit with long hair on her neck and head. I named her after the month she was born which is January and the name Layla was her name at the SPCA and the name Joie is after one of my favorite actresses "Bethany Joy Lenz" of OTH. Now Jaina is 2 years old and still rocking her long hair and lovable as always.

I'll also walk y'all through how to care for your rabbit/bunny and how to clean his or her cage depending on the kind that you have.

well my rabbit is in the basic rabbit starter cage which isn't the best cage for her now that she is bigger and older but it works for now until I can get her a new & bigger one.

Okay so how do I clean her cage?

1st. Get your supplies you'll need, Paper Towels, Water Bottle or Wipes, Trash bag, a cat scooper or a scooper of some kind, Bedding

2nd. Remove the food bowl, water bottle and anything else you might have in there, then remove the sides/lid of the cage to where it just shows the bottom of the cage

3rd. remove your rabbit either by letting her or him roam around or put her in a enclosed area

4th. Get the trash bag in a trash can and you can either put the bottom of the cage in the trash bag to dump the old bedding or get your scooper and scoop the old bedding out in to the trash

5th. then get your water bottle, paper towels, or wipes and clean the base of the cage really well and then dry it

6th. clean out the food bowl, and drain the old water in the water bottle for the rabbit, give her fresh food and water

7th. get the fresh bedding and put enough in the base of the cage to cover the bottom

8th. Put the sides/lid back on the cage

9th. put back the food bowl and water bottle in the cage along with anything else you may have had in there

10th. get your happy rabbit back into her clean fresh cage with some treats.

this is how I clean my rabbits care, very simple and doesn't take to long either.

I usually put toilet paper rolls in my rabbit's cage so she has a toy or something to chew on since rabbits and all rodents alike have teeth that never stops growing.

Keep your rabbit brushed, clean and give her or him lots of love and care and let them run around one everyday if possible.

this is my post about my rabbit Jaina Layla Joie.

My next post with be on my cats so stay tuned. thanks
please comment and follow thanks again

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