Dec 16, 2013

Female rat turned out to be male

Hey everyone, I adopted 2 baby rats a few weeks ago now and they we're suppose to be girls we'll now I found out one is not a girl but rather a male so now I'm trying to think of now male names again. If y'all have any boy names idea. also I hope my female he was in with he didn't get her pregnant but I'll keep y'all updated 

Dec 12, 2013

Baby Hamster & Rat

Hey everyone, hope everyone is good?
I adopted a baby hammy from work yesterday and the hamster I pretty much have watched her grow up from being a new born to now 2 months of age. She along with her 2 sisters & 2 brothers were born at my job which is awesome I think. I also had been wanting a pure black rattie and my job had one a while back but had sold it before I could buy it so now they had one and I adopted this one and she is adorable, has white front paws and a bit of white on her belly but other than that she is all blackish Grey more so like a charcoal color. Haven't named the rat yet but I did name the Hammy Miracle Panda because she was a little Miracle and she looks like a panda.

Dec 10, 2013

Back with new names for my rats

So in the last post I said I was going to get Greyson a play mate and I did took some time to find one the same size but I did, I named him Tanner M. Hayes and the other girls I adopted I named Destiny Paradise & Trinity Enchanted 

Dec 4, 2013

Hey everyone

Since my last post about the other 3 female rats I adopted I finally named them so here is their names, Paisley Marie, Emma-Beth, Cali Rae and since them I have also added 4 more ratties to my home, 1 male that I named Domino Greyson Walker, going to get him a play mate on Tuesday but I got him on Friday November 29, 2013 and I got another female I named Scarlette Myalie Rubylyn from my job on November 22, 2013, Just yesterday I adopted a rare rat that is light grey and white named her Pearl Rosalie Gracelyn and adopted 2 more females tonight December 4, 2013, they are about 2- 4 weeks old I mean these little girls would have lost their lives if fed to snakes. So I'm working on naming them as I type this. I'll add pics here soon.

Y'all have a good night and I just want to say as a note R.I.P Paul Walker your fans, friends and family miss you very much and you & your family are in all our hearts and prayers.

God bless

Nov 27, 2013

3 more adopted new pet rats

Last night I adopted 3 more adorable female rats also black and white, haven't named them yet. I'll post pics soon. if you have name ideas please comment

Cole Joziah Turner passed away 11/23/13

Hey everyone, I wanted to post this a few days ago but been busy. Cole who was one of my winter white hamsters, the brother of Leo, Piper ad Phoebe passed away for unknown reasons. He died on the one year anniversary for my dog shadow which I wasn't expecting that to happen but it will make it easy to remember I guess. I miss and will always love my lil hammy.

R.I.P Cole Joziah Turner

Nov 23, 2013

1 Year Anniversary for Shadow Boy Peacock

A year ago today my Mom & I made one of many hardest decisions any pet owner would have to do and make and that is having to put your beloved pet, friend and family member to sleep. Shadow wasn't just a dog he was a friend, a sleeping pal, licker who love to give kisses to all, he was protective and playful, he was "My Brother"!! We grew up together and I miss him as so my mom and family does. He is 15 1/2 now he would have been 16 yrs of age if he was still alive here with us. He was a toy black poodle. He is loved and missed everyday and thought about daily!! 

R.I.P Shadow Boy Peacock aka Black Boy 4/23/1997-11/23/12 God watch over my Lil' Bro 

Another new pet rat

adopted a baby rat from my job yesterday, she is a albino ruby red eyed rat, I named her Scarlette Myalie Rubylyn. He is a white and tan colored, she had 2 other sisters that looked like her and then had the others looking pure white. She is adorable, a bit jumpy and stuff so It will take time to tame her. so I own 4 rats now, Chloe Annebel, Dixie Lee Harper, Abbey Lynn Monroe, and now Scarlette Myalie Runylyn. I'll post a picture of her soon. got her 11/22/13

Nov 17, 2013

New Pet Rat

Hey everyone, I adopted a rat yesterday from my Job and It's a female named Chloe Annebel and I adopted 2 of her sisters whom I named Dixie Lee Harper, and Abby Lynn Monroe here's some pics

Just a side note Chloe is sick so I took her back to Petco and they are going to take her to the vet and call me when she is ready to be picked back up 

Nov 1, 2013

The differene between Natural Balance & other dog food name brands

here is a link to give y'all more info on Natural Balance-

now I will start off with my personal experience of Natural Balance and other name brands I've used in the past. I've used Purina which as a 50-50 name brand food, and I say this because some vets recommend it and others don't, my experience with it is it's a good food for some of my animals but it ended up making one of my dogs gain a lot of weight which isn't good & healthy for him, it doesn't really settle my dogs stomachs so they always want more food which isn't good either, they don't offer a lot of flavor options and that's my experience. I have good and bad feed back on Purina dog food and cat food.

My cats used to eat Fristy's cat food which isn't a good brand because it's not the healthiest for them, made my cats gain weight, want to eat a lot more, made them sick all the time, so I don't recommend this brand for cats at all.

Science Diet is a good name brand, 2 of my dogs were on it before I adopted them and I had my dogs on it for a while and it worked but I had to end up switching for other reasons. I give it a B+ for dogs and cats.

I've tried many more brands over the years but now for the good stuff...

Natural Balance one has a wide verity of different flavors for dogs, they offer dry, wet, etc food. It's for all ages which means if you have dogs & cats of different ages such as I do, I have 3 dogs from age 10 yrs, 3 yes, 7 months old so I can now feed my 3 dogs that are of different ages the exact same brand & flavor of Natural Balance, it helps dogs gain weight and loss weight if needed, it gives them the healthy nutrition dogs & cats need to grow up healthy and strong, and also I have 4 cats all of different ages ranging from 12 yrs , 8 yrs, 5 yrs, 6 weeks old and they eat all the same flavor but what I do since I do have a very young kitten I give him wet food for now instead of the dry food like what I give my other 3 full grown felines. ]

Natural Balance is the best brand my pets have ever been on. I highly recommend it to everyone. It's not cheap but you want to be healthy right? and you want you loved pets to live a long healthy life too right? well look at this for a minute..

I know times are rough these days, money is hard to come up with and so because of that most people go buy the most cheapest brand of dog & cat food from the grocery store like Kroger, Wal-Mart, etc but that food isn't good for your furry pets, and it doesn't satisfy your cats or dogs, doesn't give them the nutrition they need from puppy to elder and yes you can get a big bag real cheap but if you have 3 cats of different ages your either one buying one bag and feeding all you cats the same food when they need each different food because of health wise, age wise etc as well or your doing the buy 3 different kinds of bags for the 3 different ages right?

so why not go to Petco or Petsmart and get a brand worth your money knowing it will last you over a month for food, you are saving money, making your pets life's last longer and healthier? I working for Petco can help you with what is best for your cat and dogs needs.

If you try one flavor of Natural Balance but foe whatever reason your pet doesn't like it, or has an allergic reaction to it you have 30 days to return or exchange it for a the same brand but a different flavor if you choose to or try a different brand all together.

also read up on what is in your dog & cat's food and what is best for your pet.. that can help too.

I hope this can be to you all of some help, if you have any questions ask me and I'll respond.

Oct 28, 2013

Cobe is doing great

Hey everyone, I've got to say since finding and bring home the poor little kitten I found only a few days ago has been officially named and he is doing so so well with eating normal canned kitten food and is learning to use the litter pan but still working on getting to drink water from the water bowl instead of the kitten bottle of formula milk. I'm planning on taking him to the vet here soon to get him a full exam and his first round of shots and check into getting him fixed when he is at the proper age to do so. I still feel that he is to young to be around my other pets full time but starting today I started introducing them to one another and well let's just say my elder cats are being like typically felines with the hissing and meowing and well my dogs seem to be overly joyed by Cobe all they want to do is sniff him and what not.

In case some of my readers are wondering what name brand of food do I feed Cobe & all my dogs and cats? well I used to feed my dogs Purina & my cats Fristy cat food but since I have been feeding them Natural Balance because it is a high recommended food for both cats and dogs and I'll do another blog post about Natural Balance and why it's better than most other name brands.

The next blog post will be on dog & cat foods, what is best and what isn't and so forth.

all the best,

Oct 24, 2013

New found Kitten

Hey everyone I was walking to check my mail and heard a kitten meow, we'll come to find I found a baby kitten in a cage by the trash abandoned so I brought it home cleaned it up and check to see of it was a he or she and it is a little he so I called my mom and them to let her know and we'll now I'm his new mama. He is about 4-5 weeks old and I named him Cobe Figaro Dimando. Here's some pics he is so adorable got him October 23,2013 

New Hamster female

Named my new hamster Bailey May, she is sweet and the awesome thing is I got her for $5.00 from my job. Here's a pic of her. Got her October 18, 2013 

Pac Edik Drew passed away

Pac Edik Drew passed away on October 18, 2013 do to non known reasons but I believe it was because he was old. I asked God to take him so he wouldn't suffer and the good lord answered my prayers. He was a sweet hamster. R.I.P Pac

Oct 16, 2013

Happy 8th Birthday to Octoberia

A very special happy happy Birthday to my sweet baby Octoberia who today 8 years ago was born under my bed along with her sister & 2 brothers. Happy bday baby girl xoxo 

Sep 28, 2013

Adrik Ares Franco passed away today

Hey everyone, 

I hate having to do these kinds of posts but I like to keep my readers up dated so I have to report that Adrik Ares Franco passed away, I didn't see any evidence that could tell me why but all that matters now is he's in heaven with his sisters Phoebe & Mila & his Uncle Shadow. We miss you Adrik. This dude bit me the day I got him which was Super Bowl day last year and I named him after the San Fran 49ers. Love you Adrik R.I.P 

Sep 26, 2013

Got 2 female Syrian hamsters

I adopted a blackish brown teddy bear hamster from my job & the other one I adopt from an owner for free.. I named the one I bought from my store Xoei Ebonie & the other one I named Tiny Peaches because she is a peach color with some white and we'll they're both so cute here's some pics 

Sep 19, 2013

New Syrian Hamster

Hey Everyone so I adopted a male syrian hamster from this guy and this hamster is something else literally but in all else he is adorable and he is huge!! I got him on Tuesday the 17 Sep, 2013. I decided on the name Teddie Kuno Brecht 
Here's some pics of him 

Sep 16, 2013

Change of names for 2 baby beardies

Hi everyone so it turns out all three of my baby beardies are girls!! So I had to re name two of them referring to Blaze & Cruz now known as Blazia & Cruza.. I'll post there full names later. 

Sep 13, 2013

Mia is growing up so fast

Mia is getting so big now at 6 months old, she is starting to get more out spoken where she will bark more, jump up on the beds & couches and everything. It's time to put her through doggy dog school, and get her to be more around other dogs and make doggy friends. I am looking to maybe breed her in a few years with a male Yorkie or make Chorkie that I want to adopt. She is doing great!! Here's some updated pics 

Aug 17, 2013

New pet Rabbit

I adopted a female white & grey 2 yr old rabbit from my job on 8/15/13, she is just as sweet as can be, my other rabbit Jaina now has a sister to play with and everything which is awesome right?! I named her Lola Juliet Grace. Here are some pics of her 
First pic when I brought her home, she was hopping around 
Took this pic when I first saw her at my job 

Stay tuned for my next blog post for it will be on the care of reptiles referring to bearded dragons and leopard geckos 

Aug 11, 2013

New Hammy 7 weeks old

Hey Everyone, 

I adopted a new baby hamster that's now about 8 weeks old, she was born June 16, 2013 and had like 4-5 siblings.. Still not sure if its a boy or girl but I'm saying she is a she so I named her Athena Juna Faith, she will be known by Juna because she was born in June like me!! She shares the same bday as me which is awesome!! Here is some pics 

Jul 29, 2013

Good Morning & Happy Monday-New Updates

Good Morning & Happy Monday to you all world wide, I have some updates so let's get started 

Well on July 25th I took action in adopting a baby beardie he or she is a sand fire bearded dragon has beautiful colors and when I got home with the lil one I noticed his tail was abnormal and so I texted the guy I got it from and he told me that before the bearded was in his care the beardie must have been out in with other males and they must have fought but I don't know if that's the case so I then took to the Internet for answers and I came to the conclusion this little bearded has tail rot and so since then I have been taking care of the tail as best as I can by giving the baby bearded a bath every day and applying Neosporin near the tail when it's about to come off.. He bearded is doing good but I still have hopes the part of the tail will fall off on its own but if not then other actions will be taken via the vets office..

And then on July 26th I adopted another baby bearded what they like to call a fancy bearded dragon, he looks like he will be a he but that of course can change, he has lots of orange and he is just beautiful and I mean they are all beautiful.. 

Here is a picture of each of them 

The top pic is of Cruz, his full name is Ludacris Cruces Jose Floyd & the bottom pic is of Blaze, his full name is Blazen Grants Alamos Rush 

Jul 14, 2013

New pet Leopard Gecko's

Hey everyone,

back with my next blog post and it's good new this time around!!
I got 2 new lizards named Tokyo Teheras Psy & Kyoto Taiwan Rio, they are both Leopard Gecko's. Still to young to sex since they are babies but heck IDC I like the names Tokyo & Kyoto because they are both similar and easy.. Tokyo is yellow and Kyoto is orange thats how I can tell them apart and plus Tokyo is a little bigger than Kyoto right now.. I got Tokyo on July 11, 2013 & Kyoto on July 12, 2013 

They aren't related, I got Tokyo from a different petco and Kyoto from my job..
You all may wonder why so soon after the death of my Hammy Mila? well honestly I was planning on getting a Leopard Gecko even before Mila's sudden passing and yes it hurt to find my baby gone and I still cry time to time but time is something we don't have time is timeless period and even with her death I wasn't going to let that hold me back from getting lizards..

You may want to know where the gecko's get their named right?

well I'll tell you =)

Tokyo is from The Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift film as well after the City located in Japan, Teheras is after a street located in Albuquerque, NM, Psy is after famous Pop South Korean Singer Psy which of whom sings the song Gangam Style

Kyoto is after a city also located in Japan, Taiwan is after Taiwan China, Rio is after the Rio Grande which flows through out many states but through my home town Albuquerque, NM  and it's also after Rio Rancho, NM which is a small town next to ABQ which is where I grew up and consider myself to be from.

I'll post pics of them in a bit but stay tuned for my next blog post.

Always Brittaney Peacock

Left is Kyoto & Right is Tokyo 

This is Kyoto
This is Tokyo 

Jul 10, 2013

Mila Prudence Peacock passed away

Hey Everyone, 

Here with again more sad news about yet another one of my beloved Hamsters, my female Russian Mila passed away late  in the morning or early morning of Monday July 8, 2013..

I was just about to get ready for work and I went to say hello to my male Russian Mi-Ty and then say hi to Mila and usually when I came up to her cage she would come and try to bite me but not that morning she was still not moving and I screamed NO!! And I tried moving her to see if she would move but she didn't so I put the cage on the floor and took the lid off and tried moving her again but she was gone and I was screaming and crying and I called my grandmother, my mom and my job and I had to hurry up and get ready for work and then put Mila in a box to burry her in and get over to my grandmothers house to burry her in the backyard in the rain and that wasn't easy at all but I laid her to rest next to Phoebe & Shadow and I had to go to work a horrible wreck crying and all. She wasn't sick and didn't show signs of any illness but she had bleed from her bottom and idk why or what caused it I think maybe she had a tumor and it ruptured and that's what caused her to die.

I am still very sad but she's in a better place in heaven with all of whom passed before her and everything. 

R.I.P Mila Prudence Peacock love you and miss you baby girl 

Jul 5, 2013

New baby Bearded Dragon

Hey Everyone,

On June 28, of this year I brought home a hatchling baby bearded dragon whom is named Sandia Mesa Lunas 

Here is a photo of the baby 

Jul 1, 2013

Finally named my male bearded dragon

Hey Everyone,

I finally named my Bearded Dragon, he is named Havone Judas Creed Jemez but he is gonna be known at Jemez or Lil ZZ Skillet J 

Jun 17, 2013

New Pet Bearded Dragon

Hey Everyone,

So I know I told y'all in my last post I was gonna get another hammy but no I didn't I got something that's far from it.. 

Here's a hint- he's scales, comes from Australia, and He eats both life bugs & veggies & fruits

Can you guess?? 

Okay I'll just tell you all he is a Bearded Dragon no name yet.. I got him today with the money I got for my birthday yesterday!! He is 1 yrs old which is young , he's not a baby but that's fine!! 

If you have any name ideas please do share in the comment section below..

Until next time 


Jun 6, 2013

The loss of a dear pet Phoebe the winter white

Hey everyone back again with my latest update on a beloved hammy I had named Phoebe Alyssa.. 

She was a winter White Russian and I also own 2 of her brothers and one of her sisters.. Leo, cole & piper.. 

Phoebe was sick and I didn't know until now 2 days ago and so I rushed her to the vet but they couldn't do anything for her and so I had to watch my baby die and take her last breaths of life.. 

I buried her next to my dog Shadow whom only pasted away just 8 months ago and I'm still mourning the loss of him and now phoebe.. 

I am heart broken and hurt and angry and the only person I see to place blame is God.. 

I don't know what happened and why but it did and now I want answers but can't have them!! 

All my other pets are fine right now just hope they won't get sick and die so suddenly like phoebe did.. 

Thought I'd let my readers know the sad news of the loss of dear Phoebe she is with shadow and is a happy Hamster Angel now watching over us from the stars above!! 

Until next time xoxo

May 29, 2013

Updates on how Mia is doing since she came home to her new home, new owners and new adoptive siblings

Hey everyone this blog post is about Mia my Chorkie puppy and how she is doing since she was adopted..

Mia has adjusted just fine with the new surroundings, new people and new pet adoptive siblings, she was a little scared of Maddy since well she is a bigger dog but her and Judea hit it off really well since Judea is Chihuahua Mix as well so I think with his size it helped Mia adjust smoothly, she tries to play with Sassy, Octoberia & Texanna my cats but Sassy being old and what not isn't very fond of Mia yet your typical cat hissing is normal behavior when a new pet comes in to the home. Sassy did the same thing with Judea when I got him 2 yrs ago. Mia has met most family now and they love her to death!! My great grandma gave Mia some of Misty's toys which is my Great Grandma's Toy Poodle who is the same age as Maddy (10).. Mia loves her toys and she loves me haha..

I bought everything Mia needs such as Puppy food, Potty training pads, a Kennel, Food container, and Food/Water dish and I just bought her a cute tiny pink collar with little foot prints on it along with a Leash that is purple, blue and green I think and a cute little dress that says The Princess Has Arrived, I couldn't exist.. she looks adorable with it on.

I look forward to Mia and I's adventure together..

 Mia in her new puppy dress

 Mia playing with a toy my great grandma gave her

 Mia sitting in Judea's dog bed

 Mia after her first bath

Mia and her puppy family- Chihuahua is her Dad, Yorkshire Terrier is her Mom, left is her, middle is her brother and right is her sister they are they 5th litter of her mothers so they have more siblings out in the world some where..

May 21, 2013

New Puppy

Hey Everyone, 

I adopted a baby Chihuahua Yorkshire Terrier mix puppy this past Sunday evening..

She is 8 weeks old born March 18, 2013 along with her sister and brother.. 

Her Father is the Chihuahua and her Mother is the Yorkshire Terrier. 

I had a hard time naming her as the reason is because there is so many cute names out there to choose from and so I had a list of about 60+ names to choose from and I also got my family's ideas for names but no such luck there. 

I could just choose one or two names so this little girl has a long name so yeah it's crazy I know but with a cute face like hers why not give her such a wondrous name right? 

I decided to name her Mialania Isabella Luna Phoebe Daisie Peacock.. It's a very long name and you all may ask why name a dog a long name when she will only be known at Mia? Well again I couldn't just choose one or two names I loved all these names and so she has a long name. 

Here is a picture of my new sweet baby puppy!! 

Stay tuned for my next update 

Apr 26, 2013

New pets coming soon

Hi everyone it's been a while since I did my last post..

I want to talk about the possibly of me getting to new pets but this time they won't be furry but rather scales and a shell!! Can anyone guess?

I'm planning on adopting a baby Bearded Dragon & A Tortoise very soon!!

I'm very exited haha.

I have come up with some possible names

Such as

For the dragon if a boy -Badaro- & girl -Baderia

For the tortoise if a boy -Torzerio- & girl -Torderia

Now these are just ideas right now for names but once I do adopt them and see how they act and everything well see with naming them..

Stay tuned for my next blog post

Apr 1, 2013

Got an additional pet

Hey Everyone, I thought I'd do this blog post next since it applies to my pets. I want to introduce my newest addition to my family of littlest fur balls. This past Saturday on March 30th I went to petsmart to get a cage and then I thought I'd like to get another little hamster but I was wanting a Chinese Dwarf Hammy so I adopted a male but didn't realize right away that their Testicles shows more so than any other breed of hamsters so I just decided it wasn't the hamster breed for me and he also was very chewy and so I decided to then get a Russian Dwarf like my fellow hammie's Pac & Mila, and I decided to name him Matthias Jerad Coop, you may ask why give a hamster such a long name? well to be honest all my Pets have a long name and so I'll tell you the full names of each of my pets..

1. Sassy Ann Peacock
2. Maddy Lulu Peacock
3. Octoberia Socks Peacock
4. Texanna Bubu Peacock
5. Caleb Judea Bildad Peacock
6. Jaina Layla Joie Peacock
7. Zarek Hercules Carter Peacock
8. Xeno Iolaul Pollux Peacock
9. Xena Argo Peacock
10. Gabrielle Hope Peacock
11. Pac Edik Drew Peacock
12. Adrik Ares Franco Peacock
13. Mila Prudence Peacock
14. Phoebe Alyssa Peacock
15. Piper Marie Peacock
16. Leonardo Wyatt Kylek  Peacock
17. Cole Joziah Turner Peacock
18. Matthias Jerad Coop Peacock

these are all of the names of my beloved pets that I currently own.
please comment and follow.. stay tuned for my next blog post.

Mar 26, 2013

My Dogs

Hi Guys & Gals, this post is about my dogs..

I have a pure breed Golden Retriever Female named Maddy and a Chihuahua/Dachshund/Terrier mix Male named Judea. The back story of how I became the proud owner of each of these dogs will be told starting with Maddy------>

I was turning 10 years old and had been wanting a dog for the longest time and my mom ended up getting me a dog named Hannah but she was over protective and some what aggressive, so then my mom found pure breed Golden Retriever puppies for adoption from a breeder and so we went down there and I got to choose the pup I wanted and I chose Maddy..You may ask how did she get her name, well I'll tell you.. I've always been a huge fan of the movies Air Bud aka Buddy and I always wanted a male Golden named Buddy but instead I got a girl and switched around a couple of the letters and named her Maddy after Air Bud. Now Maddy is about to be 10 yrs old on May 1.

Now I'll talk about Judea...
I have been living out in TX for about 3 years at the time and I was wanting another dog and decided to adopt a pup from the Houston SPCA and so I went to and looked at dogs they had for adoption and I saw 2 dogs I was interested in adopting... I first met with a dog that was a mid to big size dog male and then I met with this small Dachshund/Terrier Mix breed dog named Turner and that dog today is named Judea and the SPCA said he was Dashchund/Terrier mix but he looked like he had Chihuahua in him via his face/ and his pointy right ear or is it his left.. and I know a Chihuahua when I see one and so Judea has Chihuahua in him for sure. He is now 2 yrs old and will be 3 in December..

I had another dog named Shadow who was mine and my mom's family dog, he was a 15 1/2 yr old toy poodle black. and he was a good dog but was old and had a lot of medical problems and so this past November 23, we made the hard choice to put him to sleep which we did and it tore us apart inside, for me that dog was not just a dog but my lil brother you know and so I cried myself to sleep for about 2-3 weeks straight and even now I still cry sometime over him as anyone would of course. some of the memories I share with him is he once peed on me at the vets office, bit my mom on her butt while she was trying to help me get my foot lose, he would always get up around 12 AM or so to get a drink, he would always scratch on the door if he wanted in, he had a bell on his collar and that sound would always jingle and his park and he had a bad cough and so that I remember well too. When Shadow was a pup my aunt and I would get a blanket or something and drag it on the floor and he would get on it and start humping it lol.. he always loved to give kisses so his nicknames were Black Boy, Licker or Licrish or how ever that candy is spelt and then also Yoda because when he was groomed his ears always reminded me of Yoda from Star Wars the green dude.
Shadow was born April 23, 1997-November 23, 2012. R.I.P Shadow Boy Peacock. your always loved and missed.

Now dogs come with  huge job.. I'll walk you through how to care for them..

Dogs/Pups need a lot of work!!

Dogs need exercise daily, fresh water every morning, need to be fed 2 times a day with their food being measured out, need a bath ever week to 2 weeks, daily brushing and if you have a poodle or some other breed that needs to be groomed, they must be groomed every 4-6 weeks to maintain a healthy coat.. Dogs love toys and treats make sure they have plenty of those.. if they don't they may chew up your shoes, socks, pillows you name it they will do it. you should always let your dogs out first thing in the morning when waking up and again before you leave for work/school/or both and again once you get home and after dinner or before bed... take your dogs to the vet every so often to get a basic follow up exam to make sure they are healthy and happy.

that's the basics of caring for a dog.

thanks for reading please comment and follow.
next post will be about hamster breeds, cat breeds, rabbit breed and dog breeds and how to chose your right pet.

Mar 21, 2013

My Cats/ Cat Care

Hi everyone, I'm back with my 3rd blog post about  about my 3 lovely cats.
I'll start off with talking about my eldest cat Sassy Ann and her back story.

Sassy Ann is a black & white female cat born December 16, 2000, she is named after the cat from the film "Home Ward Bound". She had like 4 or 5 brothers and she was the only girl.

Sassy was my first pet and she is one of the most sweetest cats ever, she is a picky eater, she sleeps alot lol.

Now I'll talk about my middle aged cat Octoberia and how she came about. Octoberia is the daughter of my old cat whom is no longer with me, Octoberia's Mom's name is or was Socks and Socks wasn't fixed and she ended up getting outside and became pregnant by a black & white male tray cat, and on October 16, 2005 Socks was in labor that morning and gave birth to 4 kittens, 2 boys, 2 girls. One of the boys looked just like her and the other boy was like the dad black & white, and the girls were both grey and white like Socks but one of them had a birthmark on her left upper lip, but I kept the other girl and named her Octoberia Socks after the month she was born which was "October" and after her Mom Socks.

Octoberia is so much like her Mom personality wise and some looks as well. Socks & Octoberia are the 2 most loyal, lovable cats you'd ever met, and I'm so thankful I have a part of Socks because Octoberia is the little mini version of her mom in all the best ways.

I gave her sister and brothers up for adoption and her sister and one of her brothers were adopted by the same family which was awesome to know. I think about them all the time and everything.

Socks is always in our memory and our hearts.

Now I'll discuss my youngest cat Texanna Bebe, I got Texanna after I moved to Houston, TX back in 2008 to live with my Grandparents. I had a very hard time naming her, I wanted to name her Texa because she is from Texas but my Grandmother came up with the name Texanna and so I named her Texanna which is also short for Texas, Texanna is a pure black female cat born April 16, 2008 which means her Birthday is coming up soon, she did have one brother I know of he was also pure black.

Texanna is always wanting to be by my side, always following me where ever I go and everything. she is my bebe. but she has started acting out in the most wrong ways which I'm trying to work out but she is a good cat as all my cats are.

Now I'll discuss how to care for your cats and how to clean their litter pans, etc.

When it comes to cats they do shed a lot especually if you have a long haired cat, so this means brush your cats everyday that way they don't shed as bad and their coat is always soft and slicky looking and healthy as well.

Getting you cats declawed is a big no no when they are older, I say this because if you get your cat declawed as an adult they will be in so much pain but their nails are attached to the bones in their paws, so if you want a cat delcawed do it when they are very young kittens!!

I have 3 cats and yes they claw everything but if your cat isn't declawed get some cat/ dog nail clippers and keep your cats nails trimmed that way they can't really claw your furniture, cloths, carpet, etc.

Feeding your cat is key to keeping them in shape because if you give your cat or cats a big bowl of food they will get fat and lazy, so to keep your cats thin and healthy and active messure the amount of food you give them.

make sure they always have a filled bowl of water to drink from and make sure it's always fresh everyday.

Cleaning your cats litter pan, not the funnest of the job but it's easy, I'll walk you through the steps, it's very much like cleaning a hamster cage or rabbit cage but not as hard.

so first off get your supplies, trash bag/can, clorox wipes or a water pottle with soap, paper towels, cat scooper and litter

second get your cat scooper to scoop as much of the old litter out in to the trash as possible and then whatever is left over, slide the pan in to the trash bago or can and drump the rest

third get your water bottle, paper towels or wipe and clean the inside of the pan very well and let it dry or dry it

fourth get the fresh litter and poor in to the pan enought to have it kinda full so it is enough for the cats to cover their messes up

that's pretty much how you clean a litter pan very simple but the smell can be the hard part.

If your cat likes water which is very rare if one does and you want to give them a bath in warm water in the bathtub you can but take caution in making sure the water isn't to hot or to cold, not to full, get the right kind of shampoo for pets and don't get their faces or ears wet, after your done get 2 towels, one to place on the floor to se you cat on to and one to dry them with very well, and also if possible try to use a blow dryer but on low cool temp, and after that brush your cat out very well.

Thanks for reading, my next post will be about my dogs.
please comment and follow.

Mar 15, 2013

My Rabbit

Hi Guys & Gals,

This post is about my Rabbit named Jaina Layla Joie, I got her back in 2011 when she was about 4 months old from the Houston SPCA. She is a black and white rabbit with long hair on her neck and head. I named her after the month she was born which is January and the name Layla was her name at the SPCA and the name Joie is after one of my favorite actresses "Bethany Joy Lenz" of OTH. Now Jaina is 2 years old and still rocking her long hair and lovable as always.

I'll also walk y'all through how to care for your rabbit/bunny and how to clean his or her cage depending on the kind that you have.

well my rabbit is in the basic rabbit starter cage which isn't the best cage for her now that she is bigger and older but it works for now until I can get her a new & bigger one.

Okay so how do I clean her cage?

1st. Get your supplies you'll need, Paper Towels, Water Bottle or Wipes, Trash bag, a cat scooper or a scooper of some kind, Bedding

2nd. Remove the food bowl, water bottle and anything else you might have in there, then remove the sides/lid of the cage to where it just shows the bottom of the cage

3rd. remove your rabbit either by letting her or him roam around or put her in a enclosed area

4th. Get the trash bag in a trash can and you can either put the bottom of the cage in the trash bag to dump the old bedding or get your scooper and scoop the old bedding out in to the trash

5th. then get your water bottle, paper towels, or wipes and clean the base of the cage really well and then dry it

6th. clean out the food bowl, and drain the old water in the water bottle for the rabbit, give her fresh food and water

7th. get the fresh bedding and put enough in the base of the cage to cover the bottom

8th. Put the sides/lid back on the cage

9th. put back the food bowl and water bottle in the cage along with anything else you may have had in there

10th. get your happy rabbit back into her clean fresh cage with some treats.

this is how I clean my rabbits care, very simple and doesn't take to long either.

I usually put toilet paper rolls in my rabbit's cage so she has a toy or something to chew on since rabbits and all rodents alike have teeth that never stops growing.

Keep your rabbit brushed, clean and give her or him lots of love and care and let them run around one everyday if possible.

this is my post about my rabbit Jaina Layla Joie.

My next post with be on my cats so stay tuned. thanks
please comment and follow thanks again

Mar 14, 2013

My Hamsters

Hi Guys & Gals, I have a passion for animals and well I own quite a bit of them not just my hamsters but a mix of Dogs, Cats & a Rabbit. But this post is all about my 11 hamsters.

Okay so starting this year I wanted to adopt a hamster or two and I did. I ended up adopting 2 baby brother Robo's and named them Zarek & Xeno and from there I then also a week or two later adopted 2 female sister Robo's named Xena & Gabrielle, then a week later I adopted my Fancy Russian Dwarf named Adrik and then from there I was looking on Craigslist for hamsters for adoption and I saw this person was selling a male Russian Dwarf and so I adopted him and named his Pac Edik and then about the beginning of March I adopted a female Russian Dwarf who I named Mila Prudence but before I got her I adopted 2 female sister winter whites named Piper & Phoebe through a breeder and soon after the breeder still had two more of the same litter up for adoption so then I adopted Leo & Cole who is Piper & Phoebe's biological brothers. Having hamsters is easy to maintain because the cages are easy to put together and clean and stuff, the down side of having more than one hamster together in the same cage is they can end up fighting even when they are siblings sadly so this leads me to my next post I had to separate Zarek & Xeno, Piper & Phoebe and Now I just recently had to separate Cole & Leo from one another as well as Xena & Gabrielle. Your maybe wondering does hamsters smell? Well I'll tell you yes they do as any rodent they all have a natural smell to them and also to maintain the cage from smelling you must clean it every week to week in a half so you can maintain a safe clean environment for your furry little friends and also you don't want a smelly room.

How do I clean my hamsters cages & tanks? I'll walk you step by step on how I clean each..

1st. Get all the supplies you'll need a box or carrier to put your hamster in while you clean his or her cage, a water bottle filled with water, paper towels, trash bag, bedding.

2nd. Easily & Gently grab your hamster and place him or her in the box while you clean their cage

3rd. Remove all objects from your hamster cage, water bottle, food bowl, house, tubes, wheel and set them aside or in a dish pan to be soaked in warm temp water w/ soap

4th. Take the lid & sides of the cage off and set that to the side and then grab the bottom base of the cage and dump the old dirty bedding into the trash bag, make sure you get as much of it out as possible

5th. Get your water bottle and paper towels and spray the bottom base of the cage and wipe it out really well on the sides and bottom and do that until you see no yellow markings as the hamsters pee does stick, after you've done this get a fresh paper towel and dry the cage very well where it's not wet inside

6th. Now get the fresh bedding and put it in the cage or tank where it covers the complete bottom since hamsters like to burrow by nature

7th. Now while you have the fresh bedding in the cage now you want to go make sure you clean the food bowl, wheel, tubes ad house very well since they've been soaking for a while, rinse them under cool water to make sure all the soap and pee is off the wheel, bowl, tubes etc and then dry the wheel, food bowl and house very well, let the tubes try over night and then place them back in the cage "The Tubing".

8th. Now go put the cage lid and sides back on top of the bottom of the cage and after that then replace back in the cage the Wheel, Food Bowl w/ fresh food, House, and Put fresh water in the water bottle as well

9th. Now get your little furry friend and place him or her in to their clean fresh cage w/ a little bit of treat for being a good little hamster while you cleaned their cage!! I know
These steps seem like a lot of work but trust me its not really.

If you have any questions please ask and comment and do follow thanks

My next post will be about my Rabbit stay tuned